Friday, November 30, 2007

Two, One, Sneeze!

O.K. this is one that we have all been through, and I am sure you all can guess what I am talking about. Yup that is right, a cold. We have all had on whether or not we have wanted one. As most of you know I have been going through one this very week. But there is a lot more behind the scenes, as most of you know. (From Health)

Well for starters we must all remember that a cold is virus. So when we all take pills to relieve our cold, that is exactly what we are doing, relieving our colds. So in other words we are just relieving our symptoms. These include scratchy throat, general malaise, sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, and a headache. The average adult averages 2 to 3 colds per year and children average 6 to 10 a year. There are over 100 cold viruses in the world, but the most important is the Rhinovirus, which causes at least one half of the colds. But don’t worry because colds only last 2- 14 days. (On average) After that they turn into more serious infections.

When you first attract a cold it is believed that the virus comes in through you nose and travels to the back of you throat, where they attach around the area of your adenoid. The adenoid contains cells that the cold viruses attach to.

So now whenever you guys have a cold you’ll have something new to think about. Isn’t it amazing that whenever we are having what we think to be just a little cold there is so much going on behind the scenes? But don’t you kind of wish that when we were all going trough health that we could have had a nice consolidated lecture instead of a couple days of lectures on what seems to be such a boring subject? But now that we are in the season of the cold, we will probably all have to go through one before the year ends. So maybe if you remember this information it will cheer you up a little when you do get a cold.

The Common Cold

Sneeze, sneeze, sniffle, sniffle,
Rush to the box of tissues,
Normally being sick is no problem,
But with colds, I have issues,

I cannot barely breathe at all,
My nose is very stuffed up,
No matter how many times I blow,
My nose never gets cleared up,

My ears are ringing in the morning,
My throat sore in the afternoon,
All the while I am sniffling,
Hoping to be saved from this sickness soon,

Popping pills into my mouth,
They're here to save the day!
Saying, "The fight is nearly over!"
"The cold will soon go away!"

Four doses of Tylonel daily,
Four of Sudafed,
Four boxes of Kleenex,
For while I'm sitting here in bed,

My nose is like Rudolph's,
This tale is growing old,
For now, I can only sit and wonder,
When I'll defeat the common cold...

Works Cited

"Understanding Colds." Common Cold. 2007. commoncold. 1 Dec 2007 .


Panda Girl said...

Haha, nice poem.
I don't like colds very much either.

UTBreastroker said...

I think that might be a common ground...

Lots of Keys said...

I like colds when I get them when I'm supposed to go to school... But I only get them during breaks. Rather ironic, don't you think?